Wart Removal Liverpool
Welcome to Liverpool Wart Removal Clinic –
We operate through Liverpool and the UK
We operate through Liverpool and the UK
Monday – Friday
9:00 – 17:00
9:00 – 13:00
0330 043 2013
Your Reassurance
Our Nurses are fully trained with over 75 years experience regarding any issues you may have with Wart Removals.

Simply phone us, SMS us, or email us for a quick response to book your appointment.

With NHS backgrounds, we understand medical care for a fuller service

Wart / and mole removal
Warts are formations that occur on the skin's surface, and for many years, they've been labeled as unsightly. However, they are essentially just overgrowths resulting from additional skin layers that create tiny, coarse patches. These changes in the skin are primarily attributed to the human papillomavirus (HPV), though warts themselves do not pose a significant health risk and may not always require medical intervention.
Nonetheless, warts can have a negative impact on an individual's self-image, especially when they surface in hard-to-hide areas like the hands, fingers, or arms. They can lead to discomfort in day-to-day life, getting caught on clothing and jewelry, which can be both painful and annoying. Although warts are most frequently found on the hands, feet, and face, they can indeed show up anywhere on the body, manifesting in countless variations. For instance, warts located on the feet, known as verrucas, are caused by the same HPV as other warts. Verrucas are particularly prone to spread in moist and warm environments like swimming pool areas and showers.
Warts and verrucas can easily spread from person to person and even migrate to different parts of an individual's own body through contact, showcasing how contagious they are. Approximately 10% of the population will experience warts at some point, with a predominant occurrence during the formative years of childhood and adolescence.
The transmission of both warts and verrucas can happen through simple skin contact, especially in communal damp areas.Warts vary in appearance; some are small and subtly elevated above the skin, while others may expand significantly, spanning several centimeters. The size of the wart can lead to irritation, especially if it gets caught on fabric or personal items like watches and jewelry. Though numerous in type, warts are generally removable through various effective means.
Nonetheless, warts can have a negative impact on an individual's self-image, especially when they surface in hard-to-hide areas like the hands, fingers, or arms. They can lead to discomfort in day-to-day life, getting caught on clothing and jewelry, which can be both painful and annoying. Although warts are most frequently found on the hands, feet, and face, they can indeed show up anywhere on the body, manifesting in countless variations. For instance, warts located on the feet, known as verrucas, are caused by the same HPV as other warts. Verrucas are particularly prone to spread in moist and warm environments like swimming pool areas and showers.
Warts and verrucas can easily spread from person to person and even migrate to different parts of an individual's own body through contact, showcasing how contagious they are. Approximately 10% of the population will experience warts at some point, with a predominant occurrence during the formative years of childhood and adolescence.
The transmission of both warts and verrucas can happen through simple skin contact, especially in communal damp areas.Warts vary in appearance; some are small and subtly elevated above the skin, while others may expand significantly, spanning several centimeters. The size of the wart can lead to irritation, especially if it gets caught on fabric or personal items like watches and jewelry. Though numerous in type, warts are generally removable through various effective means.
Wart removal techniques
Cryotherapy is a medical procedure that employs freezing or subzero temperatures for therapeutic benefit. This technique effectively eradicates warts and other dermal issues, like skin tags, by freezing them until they detach from the skin.
There are various methods to administer cryotherapy, but the one most commonly used involves liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogen refers to nitrogen that's cooled to such a degree that it becomes liquid, achieved at strikingly low temperatures of approximately −196 °C (−320 °F). Under normal conditions, nitrogen is a gas and comprises a large portion, about three-fourths, of the Earth's atmosphere.
When subjected to incredibly low temperatures, it transitions into a liquid form. This liquid state of nitrogen is so cold that it necessitates the use of special containers, specifically designed for chemical storage and transport, to handle it safely.
There are various methods to administer cryotherapy, but the one most commonly used involves liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogen refers to nitrogen that's cooled to such a degree that it becomes liquid, achieved at strikingly low temperatures of approximately −196 °C (−320 °F). Under normal conditions, nitrogen is a gas and comprises a large portion, about three-fourths, of the Earth's atmosphere.
When subjected to incredibly low temperatures, it transitions into a liquid form. This liquid state of nitrogen is so cold that it necessitates the use of special containers, specifically designed for chemical storage and transport, to handle it safely.
How cryotherapy is used on the skin
Cryotherapy is used in the treatment of many skin conditions, with the extremely low temperatures being used in a targeted way to ‘burn’ off warts, skin tags and other legions. Primarily used to treat benign skin conditions, cryotherapy is used in the removal of viral warts, sun-damaged skin patches – known as actinic keratoses, and other non-serious skin lesions. There are other skin conditions, associated with skin cancers, that are treated with cryotherapy. These include Bowen’s disease, superficial cell carcinoma and some forms of non-melanoma skin cancers.
What happens during Cryotherapy treatment?
A cryotherapy procedure is scheduled just like a regular appointment, eliminating the requirement for hospital admission. The patient can receive the treatment within the frame of a typical office visit. Moreover, there's no specialized preparation necessary prior to this procedure, and it can be comfortably administered by a healthcare provider or a nurse.The cryotherapy treatment employs liquid nitrogen, applied with precise instrumentation to the lesion or skin anomaly.
The variety of instruments used might range from a metal probe, to a pen-like device for smaller regions. Occasionally, a cotton swab may be utilised to apply liquid nitrogen, depending on the specific requirements of the area and the size of the lesion.The actual application of cryotherapy is swift, usually completed in a matter of seconds, and generally, doesn't necessitate any local anesthesia.
The length of treatment depends on factors such as the size and depth of the lesion- for instance, warts- but the procedure itself is brief.Once the cryotherapy treatment concludes, the skin will initially turn white and feel cold, somewhat like it's frozen.
It takes just a short period for the skin to regain a normal temperature. After the skin's temperature equilibrates, a healthcare professional will evaluate the treatment's effectiveness to determine if more freezing applications are needed or if a single treatment is sufficient. If additional treatments are required, they are usually performed immediately after the first application.
After undergoing cryotherapy, a commonplace scab will form over the treated region which usually heals naturally within a fortnight. Healing duration might be slightly longer for treatments on the legs but is relatively fast. Once the scab peels off, the underlying skin usually reverts to its normal state in most instances; however, treatments on the legs may sometimes result in minor scarring or color changes.
The response of a wart to treatment can vary significantly. While many warts may be entirely eliminated in a single session, others might require multiple treatments. Your healthcare provider will discuss this with you after assessing the completion and efficacy of your initial treatment.
The variety of instruments used might range from a metal probe, to a pen-like device for smaller regions. Occasionally, a cotton swab may be utilised to apply liquid nitrogen, depending on the specific requirements of the area and the size of the lesion.The actual application of cryotherapy is swift, usually completed in a matter of seconds, and generally, doesn't necessitate any local anesthesia.
The length of treatment depends on factors such as the size and depth of the lesion- for instance, warts- but the procedure itself is brief.Once the cryotherapy treatment concludes, the skin will initially turn white and feel cold, somewhat like it's frozen.
It takes just a short period for the skin to regain a normal temperature. After the skin's temperature equilibrates, a healthcare professional will evaluate the treatment's effectiveness to determine if more freezing applications are needed or if a single treatment is sufficient. If additional treatments are required, they are usually performed immediately after the first application.
After undergoing cryotherapy, a commonplace scab will form over the treated region which usually heals naturally within a fortnight. Healing duration might be slightly longer for treatments on the legs but is relatively fast. Once the scab peels off, the underlying skin usually reverts to its normal state in most instances; however, treatments on the legs may sometimes result in minor scarring or color changes.
The response of a wart to treatment can vary significantly. While many warts may be entirely eliminated in a single session, others might require multiple treatments. Your healthcare provider will discuss this with you after assessing the completion and efficacy of your initial treatment.
Post-treatment care
Your clinician will prescribe you a course of cryotherapy after care. This will most likely be a non-medical process and will require you to take care of the treated area by keeping it dry until a scab forms. You may be advised to apply a moisturiser, in the form of petroleum jelly. If a scab becomes wet, it should be patted dry gently with a soft tissue. Please do not rub or be abrasive with the area of treatment.
To ensure that you prevent against scarring as much as possible, it is critical that you do not try to pick the scab or rub at it. Not only will this be more likely to result in scarring, but it would greatly increase your chances of infection.
It is not usual to require a plaster or a dressing, however some treatment areas may benefit from the added protection if they are in an area that might rub on another part of the body or clothing.
Are there any side effects?
Immediately post-treatment:
- There may be some pain or discomfort – cryotherapyis a non-invasive treatment; however, some lesions may require deep freezing to make sure that they have been treated properly. It may increase any discomfort felt during the treatment and for some time thereafter, although this can depend on the patient. Paracetamol may be taken for the first 24 hours following the treatment, while you may alsotake may relieve that discomfort. You may wish totake an analgesic an hour before your treatment to reduce discomfort.
- Swelling and redness – a normal, natural response to cryotherapy. Any swelling and redness will settle and return to normal within a few days and your clinician may provide a steroid ointment to boost recovery. Sometimes, the treated area can ooze and cryotherapy undertaken in the eye region may induce puffiness in the lower lids. This will return to normal within a few days.
- Blistering – Blisters is a normal side effect of cryotherapy. Blisters can often be a part of the healing process and form before the scabs eventually replace them. Blistering may depend on the individual, rather than the treatment or the lesion that is being treated. Blisters are a normal part of the healing process and should be tolerated. A blister may fill with blood; however, this is harmless. If a blister becomes extremely painful, it may help to alleviate the pressure by applying a sterile needle. Please seek medical advice before attempting this.
- Infection – While unlikely, infection may occur, as with any treatment or procedure. It will likely render the treatment area more painful and you may experience pus. Please consult your clinician for advice and possible antibiotic medication.
Following initial healing:
- Scarring – Depending on the lesion and amount of treatment required, scarring may form. However, this is not a common side effect of the treatment.
- Pigmentation changes – Skin in and around the treatment area can change in colour, becoming wither lighter or darker. This can be more prevalent in people of colour. While it may lessen over time, it may remain.
- Numbness – When freezing, it may be possible for the treatment to touch a superficial nerve. It may lead to numbness in the area of skin around the nerve, but normal feeling will return in a few months.
- You may only require one treatment; however, it may not be totally effective. You may need to undertake further different treatment. The wart may also, on occasion, return.
Different types of warts
These are unusual-looking warts that appear on the neck and face, especially around the eyelids, neck and lips. They resemble a tree-like branch or twig. Narrow and skin-coloured, they can grow quickly and relentlessly. They can be hugely embarrassing to the person involved as they are often in such a noticeable part of the body. Filiform warts can also spread quickly and will get worse without treatment.
However, filiform warts also respond well to treatment and can be removed in one procedure.
Seborrheic warts are not caused by the HPV virus. Rather, they are a low-level, thick build-up of epidermal cells that have a rough surface. They can range in colour, from skin colour to black and can vary widely in size and surface area. Commonly associated with the aging process, seborrheic warts as also known as senile warts. Most commonly found on the face, they can also form on the torso and can form on clumps or join colour. Left untreated, they become more integrated into the skin, as they penetrate the skin more deeply through fibrous tendrils. Treatment can be very effective and the skin recovers well. As with blood spots and age spots, we recommend swift treatment of Seborrheic warts.
Plane wart removal is very straightforward and sees the removal of small, slightly raised warts. Most usually found on the face and the back of the hands, plane warts are skin or brown coloured warts and are most common in children and adolescents.
Cauliflower-like in appearance, common warts are raised, rough growths which are most often found on the backs of hands, fingers, toes and on knees. They may have a set of black dots, called seeds. Seeds are viral clotted blood vessels which can be responsible for the spreading of warts by touch. Children, young adults and those with a weakened immune system are more prone to common warts. Often disappearing of their own accord, People prefer to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or to improve their self-esteem. Common wart removal may require more than one treatment.
Periungual warts grown under or around the nail. While forming, they are tiny raised bumps that cannot be seen, but patients can soon notice rough-looking bumps with irregular edges. Periungual warts can appear in groups and can generate varying degrees of pressure on the nail. Untreated, they can become painful or grow large enough to make the nail come away from the nail bed. Although uncommon, periungual warts should be treated to prevent permanent nail damage or scarring. More than one treatment might be required to remove a perifungal wart. Although this is uncommon, it can happen, and is likely to cause permanent nail damage and scarring. More than one treatment session may be required.
If you like to take care of your skin, you might find that there are some things that you can’t – and shouldn’t – try to scrub or exfoliate away.
Although Moles are a normal part of our skin, they can have a dramatic impact on self esteem and can make you feel self-conscious. You may have a mole that is simply in the wrong place for you and it is really getting you down. You can try to cover it up with make-up, but that just makes you feel even more conspicuous and obvious. For such a small thing, it can cause a lot of angst.
You might also have a mole that is catching on your clothes on a daily basis. It can become uncomfortable and you may long to simply pull on a jumper without that sudden pinch of pain as the material hits your mole. The same applies to shaving. Moles do need some extra tender loving care and your patience might be wearing thin.
Have you ever thought of getting rid of your troublesome mole altogether?
Mole removal takes just one treatment and is a pain-free procedure that gives instant results. Mole removal treatment doesn’t require an incision or stitching and so scarring is negligible. With one quick and simple procedure to full healing within 6 weeks, mole removal could have you looking and feeling better in weeks.
Your Mole Removal Consultation
At Liverpool Wart Removal, we will spend time talking with you before the procedure and a trained, qualified nurse will examine the mole. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin but are most frequently found on the arms, face and neck.
Your nurse will check your mole and look for even, brown pigmentation and a regular outline. Facial moles tend to be lighter in colour and less heavily pigmented. They may have hairs and are most often benign.
If your nurse feels for any reason that your mole requires further examination, we will use our state-of-the-art skin scanner to examine your mole in greater detail. Following your mole examination, we will then discuss the most appropriate method of removal, making sure that you are comfortable with the treatment before proceeding.
If your nurse identifies a clinical need for further investigation into your mole, it can be excised and sent for clinical analysis.
Please feel free to speak to our Liverpool Wart Removal Team, where we are happy to help with any questions or queries you have.
Your nurse will check your mole and look for even, brown pigmentation and a regular outline. Facial moles tend to be lighter in colour and less heavily pigmented. They may have hairs and are most often benign.
If your nurse feels for any reason that your mole requires further examination, we will use our state-of-the-art skin scanner to examine your mole in greater detail. Following your mole examination, we will then discuss the most appropriate method of removal, making sure that you are comfortable with the treatment before proceeding.
If your nurse identifies a clinical need for further investigation into your mole, it can be excised and sent for clinical analysis.
Please feel free to speak to our Liverpool Wart Removal Team, where we are happy to help with any questions or queries you have.
Mole Removal methods
- Radio Frequency Mole Removal – The most common form of mole removal and used to remove moles that protrude above the skin’s surface. A radiosurgery electrode loop gently removes the mole, layer by layer, from the surface of the skin.
- Laser Mole Removal: An advanced laser system that removes birthmarks or moles [compound naevi] from the face, with superb cosmetic results and negligible scarring.
- Cryotherapy Mole Removal: A more traditional treatment that uses liquid nitrogen remove moles by freezing. Liquid nitrogen kills cell tissue and can be a laborious and uncomfortable way to remove moles. You may require multiple treatments and is not our recommended option.
Following Treatment
Mole removal treatment requires little healing. While the skin’s surface may be slightly elevated or lower than the skin’s surface, this does even out in time. You may find that moles regain some of their pre-treatment pigmentation, but this is a rare occurrence. We do ask that patients use SP30 sunblock after treatment.
Harmless moles
We take mole health very seriously. Happily, most moles are harmless and they are removed purely for cosmetic reasons and to increase self-esteem. Other moles may get in the way of everyday life or sporting and leisure activities.
It is always best practice to consult your doctor if you have any concern whatsoever about a mole.
Moles can sometimes be confused with warts. Warts tend to develop on the hands or feet and are small, rough bumps. Warts are non-cancerous, but they can be thick and unsightly. Caused by HPV [human papilloma virus], warts tend to strike in childhood and the teenage years, often lessening in adults. The HPV virus causes an abundance of a protein, known as keratin, to develop on the epidermis, or top layer of skin. Warts can vary in thickness and may appear as single warts or in small groups. Verrucas are warts that appear on the soles of the feet. Most people will experience a wart or verruca at some stage and, although harmless, they can be an irritation
If you are looking for Mole Removal or Wart Removal, our Liverpool Wart Removal Clinic Team Can help.
If you are looking for Mole Removal or Wart Removal, our Liverpool Wart Removal Clinic Team Can help.
We also offer: Wart removal Aigburth,
Wart removal Ainsdale,
Wart removal Aintree,
Wart removal Allerton,
Wart removal Anfield,
Wart removal Barnston,
Wart removal Bebington,
Wart removal Beechwood,
Wart removal Belle Vale,
Wart removal Bidston,
Wart removal Billinge,
Wart removal Birkdale,
Wart removal Birkenhead,
Wart removal Blowick,
Wart removal Blundellsands,
Wart removal Bold,
Wart removal Bootle,
Wart removal Bowring Park,
Wart removal Brighton le Sands,
Wart removal Brimstage,
Wart removal Broadgreen,
Wart removal Bromborough,
Wart removal Bromborough Pool,
Wart removal Caldy,
Wart removal Canning,
Wart removal Childwall,
Wart removal Churchtown,
Wart removal Claughton,
Wart removal Clock Face,
Wart removal Clubmoor,
Wart removal Crank,
Wart removal Cressington,
Wart removal Crosby,
Wart removal Crossens,
Wart removal Croxteth,
Wart removal Croxteth Park Estate,
Wart removal Dingle,
Wart removal Dovecot,
Wart removal Earlestown,
Wart removal Eastham,
Wart removal Eastham Ferry,
Wart removal Eccleston,
Wart removal Eccleston Park,
Wart removal Edge Hill,
Wart removal Egremont,
Wart removal Everton,
Wart removal Fairfield,
Wart removal Fazakerley,
Wart removal Ford,
Wart removal Formby,
Wart removal Frankby,
Wart removal Freshfield,
Wart removal Garston,
Wart removal Gateacre,
Wart removal Gayton,
Wart removal Gillmoss,
Wart removal Golborne Dale,
Wart removal Grange,
Wart removal Grange Park,
Wart removal Grassendale,
Wart removal Greasby,
Wart removal Great Altcar,
Wart removal Halewood,
Wart removal Halsnead Park,
Wart removal Haydock,
Wart removal Heswall,
Wart removal Heswall Hills,
Wart removal Higher Bebington,
Wart removal Higher Tranmere,
Wart removal Hightown,
Wart removal Hillside,
Wart removal Hoylake,
Wart removal Hunts Cross,
Wart removal Huyton,
Wart removal Ince Blundell,
Wart removal Irby,
Wart removal Kensington,
Wart removal Kings Moss,
Wart removal Kirby,
Wart removal Kirkdale,
Wart removal Knotty Ash,
Wart removal Knowsley Village,
Wart removal Knowsley Park,
Wart removal Landican,
Wart removal Larton,
Wart removal Leasowe,
Wart removal Liscard,
Wart removal Litherland,
Wart removal Little Altcar,
Wart removal Little Crosby,
Wart removal Liverpool,
Wart removal Lower Heswall,
Wart removal Lunt,
Wart removal Lydiate,
Wart removal Maghull,
Wart removal Marshside,
Wart removal Melling,
Wart removal Melling Mount,
Wart removal Meols,
Wart removal Meols Cop,
Wart removal Moreton,
Wart removal Mossley Hill,
Wart removal Saughall Massie,
Wart removal Seacombe,
Wart removal Seaforth,
Wart removal Sefton,
Wart removal Southport,
Wart removal Speke,
Wart removal Spital,
Wart removal St Helens,
Wart removal Stockbridge Village,
Wart removal Stoneycroft,
Wart removal Sutton Leach,
Wart removal Sutton Manor,
Wart removal Page Moss,
Wart removal Parr,
Wart removal Pensby,
Wart removal Port Sunlight,
Wart removal Poulton,
Wart removal Prenton,
Wart removal Prescot,
Wart removal Waddicar,
Wart removal Wallasey,
Wart removal Wallasey Village,
Wart removal Walton,
Wart removal Waterloo,
Wart removal Wavertree,
Wart removal West Derby,
Wart removal West Kirby,
Wart removal Whiston,
Wart removal Windle,
Wart removal Woodchurch,
Wart removal Woodvale,
Wart removal Woolton. Wart Removal
FREE Consultation

Simply call, SMS or email us to arrange your free consultation. We want to understand your issues and what you would like to achieve from your treatments.
Treatments by Experts

Your treatments are handled by our medical staff who have over 75 years combined experience, with genuine care for our clients.
After Care

We don’t simply send you on your way after a treatment. We have full after care plans where necessary to ensure you are getting the best results.